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Headlines on ccie practice
Payment Now Required Within 90 Days of CCIE Lab Exam
Sat, 30 Aug 2008 03:47:33 +0000
The normally dormant CCIE News and Announcements page has been a relative hub of activity. Two announcements in two weeks. The most recent announcement concerns a new payment policy for the CCIE lab:
Policy Change to Payment for CCIE Labs
In effort to improve the availability of CCIE lab exams Cisco has updated the CCIE lab payment ...]
10G Ethernet - The aggregation problem
Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:00:06 +0000
Hey *, Keith here. Long time no type. Anyway I’ve been meaning to write this up here since it’s good information to have, and with Ethan’s post regarding 10G ethernet this seems like the perfect time to get off my duff and do so.
Working at MySpace means tons of high-speed links everywhere. Typically we’ll have ...]
Disable resume from MGCP shared line FXS port
Thu, 20 Jul 2006 00:51:44 +0000
This parameter determines if you can resume a call from hold on a MGCP FXS shared line.
Default value is true
New CCIE Candidate Blogs
Sat, 12 Jul 2008 13:25:28 +0000
I encourage you to swing by these CCIE candidate’s blogs I’ve newly linked to.
Andy Lee - http://blog.netengineer.org/
David Sudjiman - http://www.davidsudjiman.info/
Dreaming - http://cciedownunder.blogspot.com/
If you are actively blogging about your CCIE journey, let me know if you’d like a link.
Callforward behaviour in 4.1
Thu, 20 Jul 2006 03:30:28 +0000
Callforward All
If the Call Forward all CSS is set to none, it will concatenate the line and device CSS. This applies to settings done via the phone as well as via the CCM user page.
Callforward Busy/No-answer
If the Callforward CSS is set to none, it does not concatenate the line and device CSS.
Internetwork Expert: Beijing Lab To Include CCIE Interview
Thu, 28 Aug 2008 22:04:27 +0000
Brian Dennis has a post up concerning an email that seems to indicate (as Brian states in his post this has NOT been verified) that CCIE candidates taking the lab at the Beijing, China location will need to submit to a verbal CCIE interview:
On August 27, Cisco will introduce a pilot for the CCIE Routing ...]
Join BlogCatalog at BlogWorld
Wed, 03 Sep 2008 17:58:10 +0000
BlogWorld, the blogging world’s largest show, will be in Las Vegas on September 20th-21st. Along with blogging and social media gurus including Guy Kawasaki, Darren Rowse, and Brian Clark, thousands of bloggers, vloggers and podcasters will be there too. It’s that big.
The BlogCatalog team will be at BlogWorld and you’ll be able to find us ...]
This is In response to the comment posted:
The ACL has no direct relation to the CBAC firewall, it is there to prevent traffic coming into your network from the outside, the inspection rule is there to inspect traffic going out from your network. if the ACL was not there the traffic would have been inspected but still people would able to go into your network. so if you want to block traffic you must have ACL but if you inspect traffic then even if there is a deny statement on the outside interface traffic is allowed to return. so the short answer CBAC is not inspecting the ACL, CBAC is inspecting what you tell him on the inspection rule.
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