News about voipKeep your readers up to date with the NewsFeed Widget!
Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:06:09 +0000
Hey guys, I wanted to introduce you to the newest widget in the BlogCatalog family, the Newsfeed widget. Basically, it’s tied into the information you have shared with the blogcatalog community to share with the readers of your blog. Now, your fans get a chance to see your favorite websites, stumbles, twitters, and blogcatalog activities!
Available ...]
CCIE Command Memorizer
Thu, 20 Mar 2008 23:21:04 +0000
Whilst having a quick look over the stats for this blog I came across a list of search terms used to find this website; I thought “wow, that’s impressive” but then I quickly realised that apart from the obvious ‘CCIE Blog’ one search term has been much more popular than any other à ‘Command Memorizer’
I ...]
This is In response to the comment posted:
The ACL has no direct relation to the CBAC firewall, it is there to prevent traffic coming into your network from the outside, the inspection rule is there to inspect traffic going out from your network. if the ACL was not there the traffic would have been inspected but still people would able to go into your network. so if you want to block traffic you must have ACL but if you inspect traffic then even if there is a deny statement on the outside interface traffic is allowed to return. so the short answer CBAC is not inspecting the ACL, CBAC is inspecting what you tell him on the inspection rule.
Status Update: 11 February - 02 March
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 14:35:57 +0000
It’s been a long time since I have penned a status update. I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed at work. We have an
Beware The Man Of One Platform
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 21:26:27 +0000
I vow to never be one of those guys that expects my word to be law once I am a CCIE. This is not because I am humble (I’m not) or because the ‘Argument From Authority’ is a logical fallacy; it’s because I am wrong more often than I care to be and I will ...]
all p4s for it exam
Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:55:46 +0000
hxxp:// 100% Daily 2008-03-11 01:22
IEWB-DYN Lab 5 - BGP Highlights
Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:34:17 +0000
Again, nothing too tricky on the BGP section (this is a lab rated 6!), quite a few peerings to configure. I actually missed on of these (R3 to SW2) out on my first pass of the question, but good job that I checked it and corrected my mistake.
AS-Path Manipulation
This scenario had a number of private ...]
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