A Short cisco 642 831 Summary
News about cisco 642 831
F5 LTM GUI Broken After Upgrade to 9.4.5HF2
Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:43:27 +0000
After upgrading to BIGIP 9.4.5HF2 on an F5 LTM, the web GUI might not render all graphics, leaving you with a page strewn with red X’s and other anomalies. In other words, the GUI looks really ugly and is hard to use. If you request the root document via the GUI (i.e. instead of ...]
Vegetarians, especially those of advanced age, usually face numerous health problems that are mainly caused with the shortage of animal protein. After two months of no-meat diet, the quantity of protein in the cardiac muscle decreases four times, which triggers the development of heart failure. The work of all other organs worsens soon after. A vegetarian man or woman may find themselves on the brink of dystrophy.
VT advantage - unlimited
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 01:30:18 +0000
VTA uses CAST protocol. Uses 4224 TCP port. This protocol helps in discovering remote VTA capable endpoints, communicates with IP phone as well as with Callmanager. To ensure proper QOS is given to CAST, on the phone port, create a service policy to mark TCP 4224 with DSCP CS3.
VTA uses two types of codecs.
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How to setup B-ACD so that CME phones and FXO ports can access it?
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 06:05:55 +0000
Usually you call the B-ACD application by matching the incoming dial-peer and calling the application using the service command. You can also set it so that you can call from IP Phones and FXO ports directly to AA application
dial-peer voice 10 voip
destination-pattern 1000 (this is the pilot number defined in AA)
codec g711ulaw
session-target ipv4: (use a ...]
IP Expert Volume I - QoS
Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:46:59 +0000
I booked a nice early 5am start time again to get my brain going, and got onto the rack session. I
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