News about cisco ccnp video10 Signs You’re Ready For The Lab
Sun, 17 Aug 2008 20:49:27 +0000
It’s the question on the mind of every CCIE candidate: when am I ready to take the lab? Here are some signs you’re getting close.
You can do EIGRP metric computations. With non-default K-values. In your head.
Your 5 year old knows which piece of practice gear to power cycle when you say “R1″.
You have developed a ...]
How to speed up CTI port addition process on IPCCX?
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 00:43:11 +0000
When you add CTI ports via IPCCX admin, it uses AXL to add into CCM database.
The service parameter “Maximum AXL Writes Allowed per Minute” determines how soon it can add to the database. By default it is 20. Give a higher value to speed up this process.
Sun, 24 Aug 2008 12:55:26 GMT
Hi all! My name is Jerry and I have a perplexing laptop keyboard issue that you will see in the thread i begin on it!! But first I wanted to say hello, and say i decided to join this forum as it looks as if you all know your stuff and will be quite helpful! thanks! I am looking forward to the...
Update on updates
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:17:54 +0000
You may have noticed a distinct lack of updating on this site recently. I have been continuing with
Waking up ...
*whooosh!* .. then I am awakening my hibernated CCIE 'personality'
The notebook that I mentioned is almost ready. Hopefully by tomorrow
I can start putting the dynamips to simulate my labs again.
Now is the warming up time: I need to pickup where I have left.
Lessons learned from the previous two attempts:
- Focus!
- Aimed and believe that you will pass
- FAce the fact, if there is still weaknes(ses) in several areas,
either patch it up or strengthen other area that I am more familiar with
- Keep doing it (I read this from several post from href="">Group Study
I am still one of CCIE candidate that is using poor man's method and
approach. It is also more towards stabilizing the areas and link between
the knowledge and experience of being a CCIE itself.
Out of majority of CCIE candidate, I could be one of the odds that is
not dealing directly with all CCIE needs. My work at client's requries
me to provide service beyond my CCIE-ness.
Thus, even though I have the knowlede and skills, my clients asked me
to carry out tasks in areas outside network.
The good news is: I like doing it, so no big deal ;)
the even better news is: it give me more challenge on how to separate
between the real life needs of my work and the CCIE lab that I
I must admit that since the preparation of this CCIE track (R&S), I
have improved a lot of things in areas beyond my prediction.
Let's head back in prepration and stay tuned!
All this matter was written with passion, which led to the speedy completion of this writing on cisco ccnp video. Let this passion burn for some time.
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