Sunday, June 15, 2008

cisco lab

Headlines on cisco lab

When using PIM Sparse in NBMA environment like Frame Relay you need to make sure you enter the ip pim nbma command to disable the split horizon rule that traffic coming into the interface is not going out that same interface.

The IP pim nbma is working only for Sparse Mode Group

Candidate RP need to be able to communicate only with the mapping agent and the Routers in the Domain need to be able to communicate with the Mapping agent so from that we can understand that we need to watch our Route to the Mapping Agent.

Ok I think I will end it here for now, I hope this was good info.

Keepalive timers

Wed, 12 Jul 2006 00:12:10 +0000
Station KeepAlive Interval
Keepalive between phones and Primary Call processing server
Defauit: 30 sec
Station and Backup Server KeepAlive Interval
Keepalive between phones and Secondary Call processing server
Default: 60 sec

A break through - at last!

Thu, 08 May 2008 09:58:50 +0000
I thought I would post to let you know that I’m back on track; the lack of a deadline that is completely unachievable and a move to a more comfortable desk (the dining table!) allowed me to enjoy last night’s studies and make some real progress.  After a couple of weeks of struggling it was ...]

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