All about cisco ccie test
Current cisco ccie test News
did my lab today
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 20:49:36 +0000
but i probably failed.
I found it more difficult than the last time. There had been a lot of questions and i wasn`t able to finish all topics. I missed about 3 to 4 and others i`m not sure. So i will probably not pass. Did not get the mail yet, but i expect it like ...]
Configuring a Cisco 871W with an Excel template - Its so easy!
Thu, 29 May 2008 19:14:31 +0000
A very sharp Cisco expert - George Ou - wrote an article that I have recommended many Cisco admins to. This article covers how to configure the Cisco 871W all in one router/switch/wireless AP. Along with the excellent technical explanations, he has a spreadsheet with macros that allows you to enter some basic information and ...]
Status Update: 31 December - 06 January
Wed, 09 Jan 2008 05:05:14 +0000
I managed to get quite a bit of labbing done this week. The vast majority of it being Volume I RIP
CCIE Voice Home lab with Dynamips/VMware
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:29:42 +0000
This is an attempt to simulate a decent CCIE Voice home lab on a single PC (with oodles of memory and a bleeding edge CPU).
We felt that cisco ccie test demanded more recognition than it is presently getting. So we had decided on writing on cisco ccie test. Enjoy it.
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