Monday, September 22, 2008

Document for cisco ccnp lab

News about cisco ccnp lab

QoS on the PIX/ASA – Part 3:Priority Queuing

Wed, 17 Sep 2008 03:34:52 +0000
Here we examine the priority queuing capabilities on the PIX/ASA.

eigrp and leak-map

Mon, 01 Sep 2008 15:25:06 +0000
A quite new feature for eigrp is the possibility of a leak-map. It’s simmiliar to the unsupress-map in BGP. As there is different behavior for the route-map statement if missconfigured, there is a way to send the summary and also all routes included in the summary.
ip summary-address eigrp 1 leak-map RM_LEAK
route-map RM_LEAK
An empty ...]

BGP cont.

Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:35:44 +0000
I have spent the last week going over the BGP sections of Narbik’s workbook.  I have spent a good amount of time on each of the sections running debugs (debug ip bgp updates, etc), running packet captures, and breaking things.  I break things to see what it looks like when a process is not working.  ...]

All's well, that ends well. We have now come to the ending of cisco ccnp lab. Until we meet again, adios.

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A workbook Blueprint

Sun, 20 Jul 2008 11:43:29 +0000
So now and then I see the question popping up about which R&S Lab workbook is the best.  I will ask a different question: Is there a way to objectively measure an R&S Lab workbook? 
You have probably read this again and again; it is all about the technologies! So, one of the most important workbook would ...]

Szétesett Mysql M-M Replikáció

Sun, 24 Aug 2008 11:48:38 +0000
Adott egy Master-Master replikáció, és az egyik Masteren leállt a slave processz:

mysql> show slave status\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: No

A szinkronizáció tehát a két szerver között leállt. A hiba gyors "elhárítása" :

mysql> stop slave;
mysql> SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=n (én 1-et állítottam be)
mysql> start slave;

A slave ezzel elindult, és a ...]

QoS on the PIX/ASA - Part 1:What Tools are Available?

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 22:15:12 +0000
This Part 1 blog is about what QoS tools are avaiable on the PIX/ASA.

Interviews After the Lab Now?

Thu, 28 Aug 2008 23:02:02 +0000
This email has been floating around GroupStudy all day today. It hasn’t been verified by any Cisco employee so this could be all a hoax. Quite a few people seemed to be a little taken back by it. My thought process is what is the big deal? If you truly studied your rear off (which ...]

All's well, that ends well. We have now come to the ending of cisco ccie voice. Until we meet again, adios.

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