ccie lab diagram review and suggestion
ccie lab diagram in the news
Voice: SIP IPIP Gateway DTMF-Relay rtp-nte TO inband DTMF
Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:27:52 +0000
Belefutottam egy érdekes Voice problémába. Egy Cisco 2811-es routerrel kellett megoldani DTMF-Relay funkciót. A mobil szolgáltató rtp-nte-n küldi a DTMF jelzéseket, viszont inband DTMF-ként kell tovább küldeni azokat. Ezt a következő konfiggal tudtam megcsinálni (nem valós IP címeket, és telefon számot tartalmaz) :
Nincs időm leírni hogy ez hogy működik, nézzetek utánna a referenciában szereplő linkeken.
Building ...]
Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:38:47 +0000
Cisco Voice Over IP 5.0: To Be Determined
Course 1: Introduction to VoIP
Lesson 1: Introducing VoIP Network Technologies
Lesson 2: Introducing VoIP Network Architectures
Lesson 3: Building Scalable Dial Plans
Lesson 4: Calculating Bandwidth Requirements
Lesson 5: Allocating Bandwidth for Voice and Data Traffic
Lesson 6: Considering Security Implications of VoIP Networks
Course 2: Configuring Voice Networks
Lesson 1: Configuring Voice Networks
Lesson 2: ...]
Contributors Wanted for
Fri, 27 Jun 2008 18:26:21 +0000
I’m looking for people to contribute to All of the following types of content are of interest to me:
Articles by CCIE candidates about their journey. Becoming a CCIE is an arduous task; blogging about what you learn along the way and the progress you’re making is of interest to other CCIE candidates.
Articles by ...]
CCIE #21236 - It feels great to finally know everything
Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:26:33 +0000
So since a couple of people have asked, I guess not everyone is reading the groupstudy mailing list. I passed the lab on my first shot last Thursday. It was just like everyone warned me it would be - tough, but fair. Also it was more straight-forward than most of the vendor ...]
Well He is Here Now
Tue, 29 Jul 2008 21:57:06 +0000
Jacob was born at 5:30 pm EST yesterday after a few hours of pushing by his mother. She did an excellent job! He was face up to start and that took a ton of pushing on her side to get him to roll over. He came in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces. This one will ...]
Cisco Extended Functions - redundancy
Sat, 15 Jul 2006 00:36:02 +0000
When multiple Cisco Extended Functions are active within a Cisco CallManager cluster, the redundancy manager uses an algorithm to determine which Cisco Extended Functions service is active and which is the backup CEF. The Redundancy Manager uses the lowest IP address of the server that is running the CEF service as the active servicne. The remaining CEF ...]
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