Sunday, January 11, 2009

Document about 642 821

Headlines on 642 821

multiple LLQ Low Latency Queues / bandwith (remaining) percent

Sun, 09 Nov 2008 09:26:06 +0000
LLQ means priority a queue, to forward voice and video traffic before all other traffic.
If you have multiple LLQ queues, the difference between the single and multiple queue configuration is, that if you have at least two priority queues, both get policed. So if configured in a single police-map command, you will always policed the ...]

How Corporate Blogging Can Impact Your Media Relations Strategies

Mon, 27 Oct 2008 01:09:27 +0000
Blogging has quickly migrated from being perceived as a forum for personal rants and raves to being a strategy-leading vehicle for communication between companies and their customers. Blogs are now the places to go to get fresh, un-”spun” information about industry trends, new technologies, and cutting-edge implementations. And blogs are the place to engage in ...]

CCIE Lab preperation

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 18:45:32 +0000
Looking back after passing the CCIE Security written I can share some recommendations, thoughts and comments.
First off, try to get your hands on lab. If you can purchase all the equipment do so, if not either rent lab time or use emulators like Dynamips  to emulate most of the devices. My lab consisted of a ...]

T37 outbound fax from Unity - debugs

Mon, 18 Sep 2006 02:48:27 +0000
Sep 17 16:49:09.887: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/MSPI_OFF/mspi_offramp_tel_num_trans:
   Mail, Phone Number In=FAX=1, Phone Number Dial=
Sep 17 16:49:09.887: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/MSPI_OFF/mspi_offramp_tel_num_trans:
   Incoming Dial-peer(Tag=202, Matched Digits=10, Destination Pattern=12742551004)
Sep 17 16:49:09.887: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/MSPI_OFF/mspi_offramp_match_digits:
   Outgoing Peer(Tag=201, Destination Pattern=1274255100., Strip Enable=TRUE)
Sep 17 16:49:09.887: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/MSPI_OFF/mspi_offramp_tel_num_trans:
   Incoming Dial-peer(Tag=202), Outgoing Dial-peer(Tag=201), Cover Page=FALSE
Sep 17 16:49:09.887: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/MSPI_OFF/mspi_offramp_new_rcpt:
   Envelope, Length=34,
   MMccb(Incoming Dial-peer=202, Outgoing Dial-peer=201,
   Telephone Number Dial=12742551004, Sub Address=, Cover ...]

“Variance” - Understanding The Balancing Act

Wed, 17 Sep 2008 21:50:20 +0000
This is an extract from a comment left by a visitor to a previous post on this blog:

“i was going through the bsci section and found about load balancing …

i set up a network in gns3 and tested loadbalancing with bandwidth and variance command
what exactly is the difference between those two ? both ...]

# Marc La Porte Says:



Frequently asked questions about cisco press

cisco press in the news

VIDEO: Cisco Nexus 1000-V

Tue, 30 Dec 2008 05:58:29 +0000
I have blogged a few times in the past about the Cisco Nexus 1000-V. See:

Is Cisco selling a new car? Or what is the Cisco Nexus 7000?
How will the Cisco Nexus 1000V change your job role?
Cisco taking greater investment in VMware - both with cash and Nexus

However, as the saying goes, these have been “all ...]

My First Post on the BC Community Blog.

Tue, 13 May 2008 17:11:57 +0000
Hello dear friends,
I am so excited to be posting my first few words on the BlogCatalog community blog. I have been part of the BC community for just over 12 months now, and its amazing how I missed this community blog. I should have joined here ages back ! I was scrolling through this blog ...]

FRR - Fast ReRouting is a very good feature that allow you to detect and reroute based on router availability in less than 50ms
Very important in high sensitive traffic like VoIP.

There is no need of stressing on the point that we have put all our efforts in compiling what is written here of cisco press. Just hope you appreciate it.

cisco press Items For Viewing

Compusa (Systemax, Inc.)
CompUSA Price Drop Alert!

ccie lab bootcamp
ccie lab bootcamp
